Volunteer Opportunities

Get connected and work together with others in our community.

 Citizen Corps Programs:

  • CERT: Community Emergency Response Team
    CERT is a group of neighbors, co-workers, students, or concerned citizens who have come together for some specialized training that will make them more effective in responding to emergencies around them or when regular response agencies are overwhelmed  .

  • Fire Corps
    Fire Corps has helped fire and EMS departments build more capacity by engaging community volunteers to assist in a variety of non-emergency roles. These community volunteers can make a real difference for their local department, both by expanding the services a department can offer and by enabling first responders to focus more on training and response activities. Contact Pennington County Fire for active Fire Corps programs.

  • VIPS: Volunteers In Police Service
    Two of our local law enforcement agencies have active VIPS programs.
    Rapid City Police Department has a Police Cadet program, Senior Cadet Program, Citizens Police Academy, ride-alongs, and other short term trainings they offer to citizens in Rapid City.
    Pennington County Sheriff’s Office has a Reserve Deputy Program, Chaplain Program, and Senior Volunteer Program.

Volunteer Fire Departments

The Pennington County Volunteer Fire Service is comprised of approximately 450 men and women belonging to 20 individual fire departments. These fire departments are seeking individuals to serve as volunteer firefighters for the Pennington County community. 

Contact Pennington County Fire at 605-394-5367 to find out which volunteer fire department is nearest to you . The Fire Administrator can provide you with additional information and contact names for our local volunteer fire departments. Pennington County Fire Website

Search and Rescue

Pennington County Search and Rescue is a non-profit, professional, volunteer organization dedicated to training for and providing search and rescue services to Pennington County. All searches are under the jurisdiction of the Pennington County Sheriffs Office. PCSAR works with emergency services organizations including law enforcement, paid and volunteer fire departments, ambulance services, and other volunteer organizations. Learn more about Search and Rescue.