Public Impact and Snow Alerts

Public Impact and Snow Text Alerts 

Rapid City Agencies (City of Rapid City, Rapid City Fire Department & Rapid City Police Department) and Pennington County Agencies (Pennington County Sheriff's Office, Pennington County Highway & Pennington County Emergency Management) have partnered with the Everbridge/Nixle System to expand our keyword text alert, opt-in system to notify the public when events occur that affect the community by disrupting day to day services or weather events/messages related to snow.

Impact Messages

When subscribing to the keyword 'RCImpact' (RC=Rapid City) or 'PCImpact' (PC=Pennington County) recipients can receive official text notifications regarding incidents that have a public impact such as:

  • Extensive Road Closure as a result of infrastructure failure or auto accident
  • Law Enforcement incident that results in a safety advisory or street closure
  • Structure Fire that creates a traffic hazard or road closures
  • Wildfire incidents with evacuations or road closures


Snow Messages

When subscribing to the keyword RCSnow or PCSnow, recipients can receive official text notifications when snow clearing takes place in specific areas:

  • Downtown Rapid City Snow Alerts (RCSnow)
  • Rapid Valley Area Snow Alerts (PCSnow)


How to sign up for Public Impact and Snow Alert Texts*:

  1. Start a new text message and enter "888777" as the phone number.
  2. Type the keyword you want (RCImpact, PCImpact, RCSnow or PCSnow) where you normally type your text message. Send your message.
  3. Wait for a confirmation reply.  "KEYWORD: Thanks for signing up!.....".


*To unsubscribe at any time, text STOP. This will unsubscribe you from all Public Impact and Snow Alert Texts. If you want to re-subscribe to one or more alerts, you can sign up again.