Events & Training Calendar

Black Hills Fire School @ Great Plains Dispatch Center


The Forest Service is holding an S130/S190 course, Black Hills Fire School and it is open to anyone.  If an FMO or zone training officers want to sign up a firefighter, please email Tamara Dierks at their name and fire department by May 1st.   Regarding the IS700 course, she will need to have a copy of it prior to class or show proof in IQS. 


From the Forest Service:

Good afternoon,

               This year Hell Canyon will be hosting Black Hills Fire School.  Classes will be held at Great Plains Dispatch Center in Rapid City, SD starting on May 30th thru June 2nd.  Be prepared for three full days of classroom and one full day in the field. Make sure students come with line gear, all required PPE, and a sack lunch for the field day. Prior to class, all students need to take the IS-700 course and turn in the certificate to their zone training officer.  All students must be nominated by their zone FMO or zone training officer by May 1st.  Any questions please call me or send an email thank you.


Jason Rodriguez
Assistant Fire Management Officer

Forest Service

Black Hills National Forest, Hell Canyon Ranger District

c: 307-763-3138

765 North 3rd Street
Custer,SD 57730

Caring for the land and serving people