RT-130 Wildland Fire Safety Training Annual Refresher - Interior VFD
When:Interior VFD will be hosting the RT-130 Sunday April 7th at 1330hrs, at the Interior Fire Department. We will also be offering Pack Testing that morning. Open to all, please contact Chief McClure 605-441-2412 to attend.
Just an FYI we can normally Pack Test anyone if need be, at any time, if they contact us to schedule it. We have 15 weighted vests.
Cliff McClure, Chief
Interior Volunteer Fire Dept.
PO Box 35
117 6th Ave.
Interior, S.D. 57750
Office: (605) 433-5300
Fax: (605) 433-5300
Cell: (605) 441-2412
Email: cliff.mcclure@interiorvfd.us