Events & Training Calendar

SOUTH DAKOTA BURN SEMINAR - FREE w/ FREE Contact Hours - Sioux Falls, SD


Upcoming Events




By Jean Merz, RN, MSN, MEd

The El Riad Shrine is pleased to announce that we will be hosting our SOUTH DAKOTA BURN SEMINARthis September.  This is a FREE seminar with FREE contact hours.   Dates and locations are as follows:


Tuesday September 24 in Yankton, SD @ Eastern Archery Center  800 Hwy 50 East

Wednesday September 25 in Mitchell, SD @ Masonic Center  112 E  5th Ave

Thursday September 26 in Brookings, SD  @ Brookings Inn  2500 6th Street

Friday September 27 in Sioux Falls, SD  @ El Rian Shrine Temple  510 S Phillips Ave


All times are the Same:  Registration at 8:00 AM.  Seminar from 8:30 AM to 12:30 PM



To provide first responders, students and clinical staff with current information on the care and treatment of burn victims within the first 48 hours post burn and beyond - to enhance recovery leading to successful rehabilitation



At the end of the program, the participant should be able to:

  1.       Describe the etiology of thermal injuries
  2.       Identify the immediate priorities of treatment in the first 48 hours following a burn injury
  3.       Identify treatment interventions and their impact on short- and long-term patient outcomes
  4.       State three complexities of a burn injury and the need for patient transfer to a specialty burn center
  5.       Discuss principles of wound care and current advancements in burn care management
  6.       Discuss psychosocial stressors and resulting needs of a burn survivor and family as well as tools to help relieve identified stressors


Criteria for successful completion of this program include attending the entire program and submitting a completed post-program evaluation.



1.  This continuing education activity has been submitted to the Ohio Nurses Association to award contact hours.  The

   Ohio Nurses Association is an Ohio Board of Nursing approver of continuing education. (OBN-001-91)

2.  4.0 contact hours will be awarded for EMTs




For more information, you may contact: El Riad Shrine at 605-336-1117.