Erosion & Sediment

Storm Water Plan - Erosion & Sediment Control for Construction Sites

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The Storm Water Management Plan is jointly managed by the Planning Department and Highway Department.

What is Erosion and Sediment Control?

Erosion and sediment control practices are used to prevent runoff from occurring at construction sites with disturbed soils.  These practices may include silt fencing, wattles, and erosion mats and are often referred to as Best Management Practices or BMPs.  Pollutants that can leave a construction site include sediment, sanitary waste, debris, oil and grease, chemicals, and concrete wash water.  Implementation of BMPs at construction sites can significantly reduce runoff from occurring.  Sediment is the largest source of pollution from construction sites.

Why is Erosion and Sediment Control Important?

Construction activities without proper erosion and sediment controls can contribute large amounts of sediment and pollutants to streams, creeks, rivers and lakes.  Sediment can cloud the water and make it difficult or impossible for aquatic plants to grow.  It can also destroy aquatic habitats.  In addition, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency makes it illegal to discharge sediment-laden water and/or construction-related pollutants to storm sewers or waterways.  By keeping sediment and other pollutants out of streams, creeks, and rivers, you can maintain water quality for drinking, recreation, wildlife, and aquatic life.

Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Tips:

  • Design site to infiltrate stormwater into the ground and keep out of storm drains and drainage ways.
  • Keep sediment on site.
  • Maintain all BMPs to ensure their effectiveness throughout the life of the project.
  • Minimize the amount of exposed soil on the site.
  • Protect defined channels immediately with measures adequate to handle the storm flows expected.
  • Reduce the velocity of stormwater both onto and away from project area.